Skills Acquisition
In graphics we learned how to use photoshop and illustrator by going through a tutorial of skin smoothing which is where I put the photo on the first layer and used the spot healing brush tool to remove any spots and freckles, I then created a new layer and put a mask over it which blurs the whole photo, then I used the brush tool to bring back any features that I didn't want blurred. We also learned about screen elimination, this is used by taking a picture of someone or something in front of a green screen and using colour range in photoshop to make the background transparent. We then created an illustrated portrait by using illustrator which is where I took a bitmap image of myself using Photo Booth, then imported it into Adobe Illustrator and used the pen tool to put vectors around each individual feature on the image. I then filled in the sections with colour, this made the image look like a cartoon. By going into more depth and using the pen tool to outline sections such as smile creases, makes the image look more detailed. We then moved on to designing our own DVD cover in Photoshop, I chose to create a slacker movie about drugs.